Spent the last couple of weeks in Europe. First, to Oxford for graduation - co-ordinated nicely so as to graduate with two great friends (at Oxford, one chooses the date for their own graduation ceremony.) My parents came over for the event, and my grandmother happened to be in the UK as well, so it was a nice occasion to spend a few days in the UK. Here, with my friends, parents, and our favorite Oriel Porter, D.Y..
Doctored photo.
After graduation, my parents joined R. and I for a quick continental visit - my mother's first time to France and Austria. First, by Eurostar to Paris. R. and I stayed with my buddy and former labmate R., shared many drinks, a water pipe or two, hit up Hôtel Costes and the Buddha Bar,and managed to excise him from work one day for lunch.
From Paris, we took the sleeper to Vienna. Looking at this picture, we wonder if the amazing O. built all of this, with the exception of this faulty park bench.
From Vienna, on to Linz to visit the M.'s, R.'s parents - a must stop for me, and a first time meeting for my parents.
R. had expressed an interest in seeing some glass-blowing, so Herr M. arranged for us to visit his friend O., formerly a fiber optics technician, now glass artist and consummate DIY man - needed a house. Built it himself. Needed fuel for the house, didn't want to have to rely on imported oil, nevermind OPEC's meetings in Vienna. Started cultivating his own biomass (whatever he wasn't using for his own bread and beer needs). This is a man who felt regret that he wasn't able to pass the engineering examination. Awesome guy.
Oh, and O. needed a wine cellar. Built it himself. Using Hapsburg era bricks and a natural cooling system taking advantage of his house's particular positioning on a hillside. Needed some wine glasses. Made them himself. Wanted to be able to taste the grapes along with the wine. Set up his own trellises. Great taste in wine O. has too... mostly Austrian. Watch out Chuck Norris.
From Linz, my parents' returned to the U.S. R. and I. spent a couple more days in Austria, then onto Bratislava in Slovakia (Slovakian Tokaji, anyone?), London again, and then home. Tremendous!