Returned to Vienna last week for a quasi-grad-school reunion, something R. tries to organise annually - a week's festivities, including lots of wine, an evening at a Viennese Ball, and skiing. Magic! And, time for a quick stop at Julius Meinl for some Kracher.
And then to meet the team at a heuriger in Vienna. Great to see old man G. again, plus S. and L., and our man from Philly.
R.'s 2nd 18th Birthday. A recurrent theme for the week, minus the accordionist.
Sister and Brother, next day, pre-pre-ball festivities, at a heuriger in the 19th district.
Early casualty.
Pre-Ball Drinks at the just-opened Style Hotel, around the corner from the Hofburg.
Ready to make our entrance to the Wiener Arzte Ball at the Hofburg.
The Debutantes
G. meets the ladies from the Canadian Ice Capades. S. and R. are highly, highly entertained.
With S. and L.
The next day. On to Linz and Schloss M.
Frau M. makes incredible, incredible strudel. Outside of my own mum, maybe my favorite cook?
Sweets for the sweet.
And then, onto beautiful Bad Gastein, via Salzburg.
Where no couples are allowed?
Legendary pizzeria. It was snowing so heavily that we actually lost the group walking just in front of us. We then spied a sign for a Singaporean restaurant and very well nearly lost our minds. Couldn't find it, and ducked into the first place that looked open. Score, times two. Pizza and Men's Night specials.
Men's Night special: Fernet branca. Lose 1 point.
Catching up with the team. Snow battle casualty.
Whiteout skiing conditions.
Lovely Greek food. No retsina. Opa!
Recap of the week's festivities
And finally, R.'s 27th 18th Birthday, with Edelbrand. A tremendous week of wine, women and song!