Back to Austria for the Wiener Arzte Ball, but this time bringing a contingent with us. The last time we were in Austria, we were only able to spend one evening with Mr. and Mrs. M., R.'s parents, and that was with a big crowd. Mr. M. had pulled me aside then and said he had hoped to have some time with us alone. So this time, no excuses, R. and I came a few days early and went directly to Linz, where we took some time to visit some sites outside of town, talk about all things Japanese (a mutual interest for Mr. M. and I), R. got some skiing instruction, and I was well fed by maman!
A few days later, our friends C. and C. arrived from the U.S. Let's just say that the M.'s were very taken by them, not least because of C.'s Malawi background (Mr. M. pulled out some old maps of Nyasaland), and after C. asked for some Waltz instructions (during the course of which I stepped in a vase and Mrs. M. smacked me for being too rigid - not a natural waltzer, am I), the two of them put on an impressive salsa demonstration. Drinking and dancing until, well, the very early morning. Great fun!
The four of us headed to Vienna to meet with the others at the Style Hotel. When R. and I had been in Vienna the year before, the hotel had literally just opened, so we decided we would stay there this time - great location in the 1st District, and literally the closest hotel to the Hofburg, the venue for the ball.
Time to meet R., the organiser, the Charges d'Affaires, the Geburtstagskind - oh yes, this year, it was his 19th birthday.
Since our friends from the U.S. had never been to Austria before, it was time for a crash course in Viennese culture - Cafe Diglas, Hotel Sacher, Gustav Klimt, the Opera, Stefansdom...
...strange window displays, car tipping...
...and of course, to the 19th district and some fine time spent at the heuriger in the company of pork, veal, and grüner veltliner.
The day of the ball approached, and for strength, it always makes sense to fill up on a good meal, to give strength through the night. So, to another heuriger, this time outside of Vienna.
Pre-Ball lubrication in Style.
Group photo at the Hofburg, with R.'s landlord in Paris! If there's a more stylish guy, we've not heard of him.
Next day's survivor's breakfast at the Palmenhaus in the Burggarten, basically part of the palace. Here, R. is stumped as I've challenged him to come up with a word with more umlauts than breakfast - frühstück. We came up with Anwältinfrühstückkäsegewürzöl, which we represent translates as Lawyer's breakfast cheese spice oil.
And so to Semmering, for a few days of skiing.
Some would ski. Some would sled.
Others would eat well.
To cap things off though, a select few would drink Underberg. Not all were pleased!