If you ask me what culinary goods do I miss from my years in the UK, I'll be hard-pressed to come up with a good English list. Although, I suppose, really, what is more English than a Balti anyways? Anyways, I doubt anything will trump a good scrumpy cider. So much character – wild, earthy, funky, sour, sharp, but also the clear varietal taste of the apples, and the apple skins, especially the bitters. Can be cloudy (small production, usually still, only locally available), can be clear (usually the bigger producers, tends toward the fizzy). There’s nothing like it (and Strongbow and Blackthorn are poor, industrial reflections). My preference is slightly towards English scrumpy, but Basque cider is very much its equal. Was in the UK for an alumni event a couple of weeks ago, and didn't miss the chance.

So, here’s a couple of choices I did pick up: Henney’s Frome Valley (Herefordshire) and Symonds Scrumpy Jack (also from Herefordshire). My preference was definitely for the Henney’s, which was easily the wilder drink, but the Scrumpy Jack is very reliable, and reasonably popular in pubs across the UK. The Scrumpy Jack had a touch more fizz and bite, but not quite as much funk. I also had an unfortunate tangle with a Swedish pear cider. Won't be doing that again, very artifical, way too sweet for my taste. Kopparberg if you are interested.