Sunday, January 27, 2008

Meakin's 10000 "Super Strong Beer"

Had dinner with some relatives last night, tried a crazy beer, another item that keeps the Indian Armed Forces angry. The thing I noticed immediately (and this was corroborated by the 3 physicians in the room) was an unmistakable odor/flavour of formaldehyde... a truly filthy beer-like beverage. Egads. Upsets me just to think about it again. The label says that the alcohol content is "Between 5 and 10%" - how do they get away with that??? The label also says "Possession By Persons Other Than Defence Personnel Is Strictly Prohibited." Personally, I'm thinking it's practically the height of irresponsibility to serve this beverage to individuals with access to weapons of any kind... I'se outta here.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, thats a good laugh. You review possibly just stopped me from actively seeking out this beer. I am an Old Monk (Rum) fan and also a beer guzzler so was hunting for a sample of Meakins 1000.
