Saturday, August 15, 2009


One positive about having lots of mates from Australia is the extensive exposure to their, um, "culture." It's not all fruit-bomb shiraz and VB vs XXXX beer wars down there - they've got rum too - the mighty Bundaberg! They call it a yobbo drink, as it's been reported that bundy drinkers are more inclined to yelling, shouting, and general carrying on. I've heard the stories, I've felt the impact, and quite frankly, I should know better. But whenever I get to chatting with the lads, I can't help but get the urge. But really, how does it taste?

Not. That. Good. Better than Mekhong, but really, what isn't? The straight Bundy "UP", seriously, shouldn't ever be consumed neat, even at only 37% abv, this is fiery. It is somewhat rum-like, but only barely. This is troubling. Why is the bottle almost empty? What have I gotten up to? I feel the urge to abuse some Englishmen.

The Distiller's #3 is supposed to be the high end stuff, "triple filtered", presumably to get all the evil stuff out, and knocking the proof up to about 85. This punches beyond it's weight though, and while it certainly is more palatable than the UP, I still wouldn't drink this neat. Apparently, there is an "Overproof" version (just what this product needs, more power), as well as some aged versions (could that possibly help? Old Bundy?)

I think I'll just stick to the beer.

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