Sunday, April 29, 2007

Salamanca Stag Do

R., betrothed to S. Sounded like a call for an epic stag do. So, a dozen of us met up in Madrid, armed with Asian liquors (mao tai, sake and He-Man) and questionable intentions. Here we have Salamanca, the before picture.

R. has long insisted that Salamanca is THE party capital of the world. After the three nights that followed, I'm inclined to agree. This was the routine. Head out for drinks around 10PM. Eat, drink, eat, drink some more. Repeat until venues close around 8AM (10AM on weekends). Sleep till 2 or 3PM. Go for lunch, walk around. Nap from 7PM. Rinse, lather, repeat.

To kick things off, a round of Rapidos at the Bolero Bar. Vodka and fizzy lime, banged on the counter top to make it super fizzy, and then shot down.

Festival of meat!

Ohkagura Honjozo from Okayama Prefecture. Soft and mild, rich, yet finishes dry. Easy drinking sake.

A round of Patxaran to go with our chorizo. Patxaran is a liqueur made from sloe berries, very Basque.

rum bar
Closing things down at Salamanca's famed Rum Bar. I traded a bottle of Nigro's He-Mans XXX for a round of drinks.

Hairy Austrians and one semi-conscious Norwegian. People falling asleep while standing. And then of course, my man Y. who never fails to get into trouble wherever he goes. Good times.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Nigros He-MANS XXX Indian Army Rum

Just got back from a short trip to India, where I supplemented my normal Old Monk tasting with this "Defence Personnel Only" product. Not only does it put hair on your chest, but it causes rampant growths elsewhere, unclogs pipes, sterilizes medical equipment, scares pets and small children, etc. Despite my experience with it, I nonetheless came home with several bottles. Note the high quality PET bottle!