Monday, April 5, 2010

Suien Maboroshi no Sake [1 Koku - 24]

Suien Maboroshi no Sake
A junmai ginjo from Nagano Prefecture's Azumi no Shinshu. Miyama Nishiki milled to 59%, SMV ±0, acidity 1.5, amino acidity 1.5, Nagano Alpine yeast and 15.5% abv. The nose is rich and nutty, with roasted rather than steamed rice notes. This carries on to the palate, which is medium-full, sweet but not quite off-dry. Starchy, with a low-register acidity that does sort of sneak up on you. The overall impression is of being a richer-styled sake, with a dry, vanilla and raw milkfat finish.

Suien Maboroshi no SakeOn a beautiful evening, under the sakura.

Suien Maoroshi no Sake...and after a couple of glasses...


  1. "Vanilla and raw milkfat finish"? More like tip the bottle upside down and finish...

  2. Indeed! Reminded me of the aftertaste of vanilla ice cream...
