Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Urakasumi Junmai

Urakasumi Junmai
A long-ish hiatus due to brewing activities and a quick visit to the UK. Oddly, sake consumption was almost zero over the past month. But, post-earthquake, I did head up to Mitsuwa to pick in search of some Tohoku products, including this junmai from Miyagi Prefecture's Urakasumi. They fared better than others, but nonetheless, all could use a boost from export markets. Couldn't go far wrong with this, a solid brew - mana musume milled to 65%, SMV +2, acidity 1.3, and 15.5% abv. Prominent rice character, full, but with a lightly rough bitterness to finish, sweet and a bit nutty too.


  1. Indeed, drink Tohoku! Just made a large purchase of Tohoku swag myself for my first sake tasting.

  2. indeed, a sake tasting? an event? do tell...

  3. First ever Alexandria, Virginia, newly appointed by Gauntner-san Advanced Sake Professional sake tasting. Fancy a trip to DC in May?

  4. hmm... tempting... when? if my homebrew is palatable...
